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Choosing Timebase Case Management Shared Service Software – Making More Efficient Use of Resources

In 2012 the 6 local authorities in South West Wales (Bridgend, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Neath Port Talbot, Pembrokeshire and Swansea) agreed to a formal agreement with regard to the development of a “virtual” shared legal service in the region.  The overall objective was to secure the future sustainability of a robust and effective legal service through closer collaboration, sharing knowledge & experience and through joint procurement.  In order to maximise the benefits of a “virtual” legal service it was necessary for the authorities to create a common Case Management & Time Recording System through which the legal teams can manage work on a regional basis ensuring that existing skill sets and resources are optimised.Tricostar were awarded the tender and during 2013 Swansea and Camarthen were the first 2 Authorities to start to implement Timebase Case Management across the legal departments of both Authorities.In March 2014 Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire also both contracted to joining this virtual shared service.In 2007 Tricostar implemented the first such shared service system with Suffolk County Council and its District Councils with a view to achieving the same benefits as The South Wales Legal Services Consortium.During 2013 the first 2 Authorities of a leading London Based Consortium have also gone down the shared service route to achieve the same cost savings and efficiencies that Suffolk have achieved.Tricostar’s Timebase Case Management System is proving to be the leading choice when authorities are looking for a pure web based shared service Case Management System.  If you would like to explore how your Authority can achieve the same benefits, both within and between authorities please contact us.