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Cyber Security in the Legal Sector

The approved reforms of the UK legal system promise to bring a new level of efficiency to court systems, legal procedures and the management of justice in the United Kingdom. The digitisation of legal information enables instantaneous file sharing, portable access to case notes and legal precedence, interconnectivity between courts and judiciaries, and an overall faster, smoother legal process.But digitisation brings associated risks, which must be carefully considered and protected against in order to ensure the safety and integrity of sensitive legal information.

Key Considerations

As information becomes more open it is also at increased risk of being intercepted or stolen. In the case of law practices, this raises grave moral and legal concerns. Client information, case notes and financial negotiations are typically highly sensitive.Often, the outcome of a case can depend on how this information is presented for the first time in court. Clients, defendants and witnesses all have rights to confidentiality, which a law firm must uphold in order to maintain moral, legal and professional integrity.It is the highly sensitive nature of this information that makes it so attractive and valuable to potential hackers. So what can law firms do to protect the trust of their clients?

Tricostar Legal Security

Tricostar understand the risks associated with legal digitisation. We offer cost-effective solutions designed to protect your organisation, your clients, and their trust in the knowledge that their legal information is encoded by state-of-the-art encryption software.For easily-accessible court bundles, the Timebase Court/Document Bundling Software frees up staff hours for more important tasks while automatically performing the re-indexing, re-sectioning and re-pagination of your bundles. This 100% web-based security model offers a safer, more secure alternative to physically transporting hard copies of court documents around yourself.We also offer the Timebase Case Management Software, a shared service platform designed to maximise the efficiency of your legal operation. Delivered on-premise or hosted by Tricostar, this software will grow with your department, providing the perfect environment in which to safely and securely assist your clients.The threat of digital attack is real, so the safeguarding of clients’ legal information should be a priority for every professional law firm. There are a number of ways in which an attacker can gain access to digitised information, but whether they choose to intercept emails or directly hack documents, you can concentrate on the smooth running and management of your practice, confident that Tricostars software is keeping you and your clients safe.To talk to us in more detail about any of our products or services, call us on +44 (0)208 292 2660 or get in touch here.