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Nottinghamshire County Council Wins Legal Team Of The Year

Tricostar Customer Nottinghamshire County Council Wins Legal Team Of The Year At The 2015 MJ AwardsNottinghamshire County Council Legal Services has become a fully digitised office, and has worked with local courts to create a digitised courtroom.As the trend towards digitisation continues, more and more businesses and sectors turn to the use of devices, e-records and cloud computing to modernise and improve their services. The legal sector is one of the latest areas to implement this approach.Sidestepping the usual confusion that sweeps departments during changeovers of this kind, Nottinghamshire County Council Legal Services has not only embraced digitisation in its office but has worked closely with Nottinghamshire Family Courts to facilitate a paperless, fully-digitised courtroom.

Why digital?

Digitisation offers a huge range of advantages not limited to the legal sector. Taking records and processes online makes them much more efficient. Paper records become obsolete when data is stored digitally. Such data can be accessed anywhere, at any time, by individuals with devices and approved access.The heightened risks associated with such accessibility means that security measures are much tighter around restricted information, keeping sensitive or legally confidential information much safer than its paper counterparts. Online it is also backed up, so it’s much harder to lose.

Paperless courtrooms

Taking digitisation into the courtroom is a huge step for Nottinghamshire County Council Legal Services. In a digitised environment, legal experts are much better placed to research required information, finding important cases and legal precedence at the click of a button. Case notes are instantly accessible, can be bookmarked, and important passages highlighted effortlessly.In Nottinghamshire County Council Legal Service’s case, all of this has been made possible through a combination of diligent legal staff and Tricostar’s latest Document Bundling software.


Tricostar and its consultants have been working since 1988 to bring innovative technology solutions to both the public and private sectors. Their intention has always been to reduce their customers’ costs, to increase their customers’ revenue, and to help their customers make more efficient use of their resources. They are also partnered with Cryptshare, with a focus on public sector and legal markets.Tricostar are therefore delighted to learn that the team at Nottinghamshire County Council Legal Services has benefit so highly from the use of both their Document Bundling software and Cryptshare’s secure file transfer software.

Document Bundling Software

As this recent success suggests, the Document Bundling software is designed with the express purpose of modernising record-keeping, document security and the shared access of these records.Its courtroom applications are obvious, where swift access to notes and records is of vital importance. Sensitive information is at once protected from unauthorised eyes and instantly accessible to legal professionals from the devices in their pockets.The use of Document Bundling in legal offices, and Cryptshare’s large file transfer and mail encryption software within the Nottingham Family Courts, has transformed the speed and efficiency at which legal proceedings can take place. This software has also placed Nottinghamshire County Council Legal Services excellently for future digital or technological developments over the coming years.Tricostar couldn’t be happier to see their software improving legal practices and making regional headlines.To find out more about how you might benefit from Tricostar’s Document Bundling software and Cryptshare’s large file transfer and mail encryption software, call +44 (0)208 292 2660 or contact Tricostar here